School Commission
Collaborating with our Parents
The School Commission’s purpose is to serve as a consultative body to advise and support the Principal and Pastor of St. Monica on St. Monica Catholic School matters. The Commission’s responsibilities, in cooperation with the Principal and the Pastor, include, without limitation, the following:
- Recommending a mission statement for the School grounded in the Catholic faith tradition;
- Advising on policy decisions affecting St. Monica Catholic School;
- Setting long-range goals for St. Monica Catholic School;
- Developing a plan to finance the School, including but not limited to setting tuition structures, financial development, and fund-raising;
- Evaluating the School’s goals and plans;
- Acting as a liaison between and among parishioners, parents, and the School;
- Reviewing the proposed annual school budget with particular attention to evaluating the effectiveness of the budget of the preceding year together with demonstrated needs and making a final budget recommendation to the Pastor and the Principal, which will include but not be limited to advise on tuition and registration fees;
- Advising upon such other matters as may be brought to the attention of the Commission by the Pastor, Principal, parishioners, or parents;
- Participating in Catholic Schools Week, Auction, and Annual Fund Efforts; and
- Attending Commission Meetings regularly.
To be eligible for the Commission, an individual should:
- Have a genuine interest in Catholic education
- Be a parent of one of the school children, a parent of an Alumni of St. Monica Catholic School, or a Parishioner for an At-Large position or meet the criteria of the designated positions outlined in Article II Section C of the Bylaws.
- Be able to remain objective, but influence public opinion when necessary
- Be able to maintain group confidentiality
- Be willing to support Commission decisions-even if they don’t completely agree
- Support the Archdiocesan, parish, and School philosophy and mission
- Work as a group member in a spirit of cooperation and consensus
- Deliberate with justice and charity, serve willingly, and contribute your talents and expertise
Persons interested in the Commission will be asked to submit a Self-Nomination Form to the School Principal identifying their interest in joining the Commission and their background and skills.
The Discernment Committee will discuss all Commission candidates at a subsequent meeting and provide recommendations to the Commission and the Principal. The Principal may interview candidates if the Principal deems such interviews necessary. Based on the Candidate submissions, the Discernment Committee comments, and Candidate interviews, the Principal will determine which Candidates to invite onto the Commission and notify such Candidates before the end of the academic year.