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Better insights, better tests

MAP Testing

Our students in grades 2-8 are given the NWEA's MAP Growth Testing two times per academic year. MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) is a standardized test that measures what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. 

MAP dynamically adjusts to each student’s responses - which means every student gets a unique set of test questions based on responses to previous questions. As a student answers correctly, questions get harder. If a student answers incorrectly, the questions get easier. It provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level.

MAP Growth tests are given in the Fall and Spring in the subjects of math, reading, and language usage. These tests yield a national percentile score as well as a growth scale score (RIT).

Our students regularly perform above both the archdiocesan average and the national norm in every subject and at every grade level.

For more information about MAP testing, please refer to the NWEA Family Toolkit.


DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. Our students in grades K-4 are assessed for letter naming, phoneme segmentation, and nonsense words all show us their phonemic awareness (understanding of letter names and sounds).  In phoneme segmentation, they have to repeat all the sounds they hear in the words we say.  It shows us their processing speed and if they make common mistakes.  Although nonsense words are not real words, since they can’t use context clues, it shows us if they can decode words and apply the phonics rules.   

Word reading fluency and oral reading fluency tell us your child’s reading speed in both list and paragraph form. While it doesn’t give us a reading level, it is a marker for reading success and we can track their growth—both against their previous scores and against the benchmarks.  

For more information about DIBELs, please refer to What is DIBELS? | DIBELS® (

STAR Assessments

Star Assessments are reading tests that provide teachers with learning data for all students in grades K-8. Star tests are computer adaptive, which means they adjust to each answer your child provides. This helps teachers get the best data to help your child in the shortest amount of testing time (about one-third of the time other tests take).

Teachers analyze the data they get from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help. Star Assessments are heavily researched and scientifically proven to help teachers guide each student on his or her unique path to mastery.  

Classic Learning Test (CLT)

Classic Learning Test (CLT) exists to reconnect knowledge and virtue by providing meaningful assessments and connections to seekers of truth, goodness, and beauty.

St. Monica administers the CLT8, a diagnostic and summative assessment for our 7th and 8th graders and the CLT10, a college preparatory exam for our 9th and 10th graders. The CLT offers the only standardized tests that can be taken online, emphasize intellectual aptitude and achievement, and are grounded in the liberal arts tradition. The ‘classic’ in Classic Learning Test refers to our use of the greatest and most enduring texts that have informed and shaped society.

CLT is thrilled to announce the launch of CLT3, 4, 5, and 6, coming Spring 2024. These summative, end-of-year assessments for young learners in grades 3-6 will meet a great need for schools and teachers and provide an opportunity for students to think more deeply about great ideas.

Assessment of Catechesis/Religious Education (ACRE)

The ACRE test is administered in the Spring to all students in grades 5, 8,11 here at St. Monica Catholic School.  The test is published by the NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association), and it is an assessment designed to strengthen catechetical/education programs.  Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the most recent catechetical documents, the purpose of the ACRE is to evaluate the effectiveness of a religious instruction.

Students are tested in the following 8 domains:

  • God
  • Church
  • Liturgy and Sacraments
  • Revelation, Scripture, Faith
  • Life in Christ
  • Church History
  • Prayer/Religious Practice
  • Faith Literacy

The Four Pillars are also tested:

  • Creed
  • Liturgy and Sacraments
  • Morality
  • Prayer