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Middle School

Logic Stage - Grades 6-8

St. Monica Catholic School strives to develop what is uniquely human in our students. To that end, we equip our students with the skills, habits, and aptitudes necessary to embrace those things that are true, good, and beautiful so that they might participate in human flourishing.

No aspect of our school’s life is genuinely extra-curricular or falls outside of our core mission: to provide a Catholic, liberal arts education during the Logic stage (middle school). Every part of the program- from the way our students pray to the dress code is designed to create a sense of unity and common purpose, the participation in the sacraments, the aesthetics that govern classroom spaces, activities during recess, the way we use technology, and the songs we sing- reflect the school’s judgment and priorities about our distinctive educational mission.

Students learn to analyze, question, discern and evaluate in the “Logic” stage (grades six through eight) by constructing and thinking through arguments, paying attention to cause and effect relationships, seeing how the evidence fits together. 

Teachers facilitate learning activities that intentionally allow Middle School students to analyze and integrate content from all subjects, investigate global issues, answer complex questions, and develop solutions for real-world problems. As a result, our students build self-confidence, strengthen leadership skills, and lead the school in faith.

Curriculum Overview by Grade

Middle School Team

Seventh Grade Homeroom

Sixth - Twelveth Science

Eighth Grade Homeroom

Eighth & Ninth Humanities

Ninth Grade Homeroom

HS Science | HS Humanities | Algebra 2

Tenth-Twelveth Grade Homeroom

Seventh - Twelveth Theology